
Business Operation

Hybrid Rice Female Line Tianjia A

times:2018-12-24   hits:1258

Tianjia A: Female Line of hybrid rice, got approved in May 2018.  

The plant type is compact, the plant is tall, the stem is strong, the tillering power is medium, and the luxuricity is good. The leaves are light green, longer, wider and slightly draped. 

The flowering habit is good and the stigma exposure rate is high. Larger panicle type, more of the first panicle branches, grain setting uniform. 1000-grain weight is medium. 

The grain is long, the tip of the grain and the stigma are colorless. Planted in Jingzhou, the plant height was about 85 cm, the panicle length is about 17.5 cm, and the total number of grains per panicle is about 220. Sowing in Hubei on April 20, the whole period was 90 days, the number of main stem leaves was 15. 

Pollen abortion is dominated by the genus.

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